Submit Your Content

Ensure your message gets heard by submitting your content to us at Parents’ Rights in Education.

    Your content can help us get the message out to others about what is happening across our country.

    If you submit a video, we may clip-edit the main sections, add a watermarked logo and some other minor edits to make it easier to view.

    It is important that you know this will be public and it may get widespread attention.

    Your name*

    Your email*

    What type of content are you submitting?*

    Submit your content:

    What platform(s) do you want this posted to?*

    Select all that apply:

    If this content refers to a specific state, please specify on which state account you would like this post to appear. If not, skip this step.

    Suggested caption:*

    This is your space to share any thoughts, ideas, or specific details you'd like us to include in the caption when posting your content.

    Note: Please ensure that caption intended for Twitter does not exceed 280 characters. Links are not allowed for Instagram content.

    Are there any accounts you would like us to tag?*

    Additional notes:

    By submitting this form, you understand and agree to the following:
    You have the rights and permissions to submit the content for posting.
    The submitted content may be posted on the selected platforms as indicated in your preferences.
    The provided information is accurate to the best of your knowledge.