Chapter 117: Rules Regarding The Duties Of School Counselors and School Social Workers
Chapter 117: Rules Regarding The Duties Of School Counselors and School Social Workers
March 22, 2023
How did we get here?
In 1998, Title 20-A MRS §4008 PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS was passed allowing school counselors with master’s degrees to withhold private conversations from parents. The concerns of parents way back then, are now becoming our nightmare. This well-intended and very limited authority was rarely invoked.
In 2019, the Maine legislature and Governor passed LD247 resulting in chapter law Title 20-A Maine Revised Statute §4008-A SCHOOL COUNSELORS AND SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKERS. This charged the Maine Department of Education (MeDOE) with adopting a new major substantive rule to implement this new law. All agency rules are adopted in accordance with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act which requires public and legislative notice of rulemaking and the submission of all major substantive rules, to the Legislature for review and approval. See page 2 for an infographic flowchart.