November is Parents’ Rights in Education Month

September 27th, 2023

NOVEMBER, Parents’ Rights In Education Month, EST. November 2019


by Suzanne Gallagher, Parents’ Rights in Education



Please, join us on the 5th Anniversary of PARENTS’ Rights in Education Month, and ask your local school board to endorse our Proclamation!


We encourage parents all across America to challenge their school boards to adopt this Proclamation declaring they support the importance of working with parents, involving them in developing policies, and selecting curriculums for their children’s schools.


Public schools are for everyone.

Although we recognize not ALL people of certain groups think alike, it appears those opposed to parental involvement in school policy and curriculum decisions are represented by government bureaucrats and employees, including teachers and their unions.


Often state legislation requires local schools to teach biased viewpoints, and departments of education force local school boards to adopt controversial political agendas.


The point is, not everyone is in agreement, and because of it, to be truly inclusive, shouldn’t all points of view be presented, especially in a government school? And if bias cannot be addressed to satisfy everyone, the subjects in question should be avoided, providing safety for all.


In recognition of the vital importance for education excellence, and meaningful collaboration between the school district and families, we recognize NOVEMBER as Parents’ Rights in Education Month.


WHEREAS, we acknowledge parents are a child’s first and foremost educator, and have the primary responsibility for the education, care and training of their children,

and WHEREAS, education is comprised of a range of activities by which families and communities teach knowledge and skills, including ethical and behavioral norms and traditions,

and WHEREAS, fairness and equality must be afforded to all students and families in the school district,

and WHEREAS, public schools need cooperation and support of all parents,

and WHEREAS, the parent-child relationship shall be honored and supported by teachers, counselors, administrators, and school board members,

THEREFORE, we declare NOVEMBER, Parents’ Rights In Education Month affirming the constitutional right of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children.



We chose November because, in November of 2005, the 9th Circuit stole Parents’ Rights with their ruling: Fields v. Palmdale School District “that the Meyer Pierce right does not exist beyond the threshold of the school door.”


These efforts mandating parents’ rights do not exist, compromise the inalienable rights of parents to raise their children with the value system they choose, and are contrary to the spirit of the local public school district.


What About Parents?

Supreme Court decisions have repeatedly supported Parents’ Rights, especially in relation to public schools. The organizational model with elected board members, was designed to represent citizen and parent community values. However, with increasing pressure from outside forces including public employee unions, funded by government, local control is under attack.


Bureaucratic pressure reigns!

It cannot be overlooked, the few are lording over the majority in many districts. Larger districts cave to bureaucratic pressure. With the promise of OPT-OUT, they push through policies and curriculums parents and communities do not want.


Taking back local control. Set a new standard.

If school boards allow teachers’ unions and extremist organizations to usurp parents’ rights to direct the education of their children, they abdicate their role as representatives of the community.


This simple Proclamation is affirmation of the five Supreme Court decisions upholding parents’ rights to direct the education of their children.


We are simply asking school boards who they represent. The Proclamation establishes an understanding between school districts and their communities. It’s a win/win for everyone.


With a show of good faith through the adoption of this Proclamation, parents & guardians will gain confidence in their local school boards, affirming their belief that they DO have a vital role in the collaborative partnership between families, schools, and administrators.


How to do it…


  1.         Do Your HOMEWORK – Visit the School District Website

All school Districts are different depending on what state and area. Go to the School Board page on your local district website to access names of Board Members and contact info. Check the rules for public submission of Proclamations with the School Board Clerk or Administrator.


Find out who’s open to your Proposal. It is always best to have a board member submit the Proclamation. Email the Proclamation document to all the members, and follow up with a friendly call to identify supporters.


Meet with members who seem interested, and share more information. Explain why you are supporting this Proclamation.


  1.        Take the FREE Testimony Course available on the PRE Website


  1.         Make a PUBLIC COMMENT at the Next School Board Meeting

Take the Proclamation to your next School Board meeting and present during public comment. Hand a copy to each school board member. It is best to go with as many supporters as you can find. Usually you will have no more than 2-3 minutes to make your case, so divide the arguments between others. Always be respectful and share personal reasons why you support the recommendation.


  1.         Fill the Room at the next Board Meeting!

Find out when the Proclamation will be on the agenda for a vote. Spread the word and fill the room showing support for those who share your values.


  1.         How did you do?

We want to report your success and encourage other parents nationally to follow your lead! What made the difference? Please contact us with a report.


If your board refuses to even consider or adopt the Proclamation, you will know it is time to recruit candidates for the upcoming school board elections!


I invite you to join our effort to officially recognize November as Parents’ Rights in Education Month.