Details: K-12 School Bullying Worse Than Ever!

Suzanne Gallagher
Parents’ Rights in Education, National
Friday, 2/10/23, West Linn HS, OREGON: A white male heterosexual was beaten and suffered a concussion in the high school cafeteria. Two doctors confirmed the diagnoses as a result of the beating by his assailant.
The assailant, a 6 foot tall queer male, dressed in black fishnet stockings, bike shorts, and tube top, was shown in a police report to have committed Class 4 Assault.
The victim said the word “queer,” nothing more, provoking the assault. Even though he did not fight back, the victim was suspended from school for 2 days, and charged with “harassment with bias,” a Class 2 Misdemeanor. Students are regularly taught to use the term Queer in reference to a myriad of alternative sexuality categories, represented in LGBTQIAS2++.
The queer male was neither suspended from school, nor formally charged by police. WLHS refuses to take any further action because in their words, the offender is a “protected class.” What about the victim who suffered a beating? He is definitely not protected. Is assault less egregious than name calling? And what is the criteria for being offended?
PRE is opposed to all student bullying including assault of any kind, however this case is especially concerning as the victim’s free speech rights have been violated, as well.
Today, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion reigns and protected classes do not include straight white conservatives. Many employees, students, and families are leaving public schools and the state of Oregon. They are not accepted, celebrated, or simply treated equally. Two years ago a group of Oregon parents submitted a proposal to the school board to remove students who parents are Christians, conservatives, or supported President Donald Trump.
This very real discrimination and division has to stop. Remove politics from the classroom and school activities, honor everyone’s values, and teach only academics, and practical life skills.
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